Sunday, May 8, 2011

Photoshop Lesson

My sweet husband is trying to teach me how to edit my jewelry pictures in Photoshop.  The photo below is from my first lesson, but he did all of the editing, while I observed.  I've been using Picnik to edit my photo's and I have been satisfied, but my husband and daughter use Photoshop and their pictures always look fantastic.

What do you guys think about the different photo editing products that are available?  Picnik is relatively easy to use and has some neat features, but you have to become a paid member in order to access the more advanced features.  Are there other editing products out there that you've had success with?


  1. Try downloading gimp for free, it's an advanced editor similar to photoshop.

  2. Kym, if you want to learn more photoshop, I have just done an online course with Kim Klassen. She has one free course and another, the essentials which I did ..and it is worth every dollar! Fantastic! My husband and I did it together, taking notes and looking at the,videos.
