Wednesday, September 7, 2011

BTW 09/07/2011

Did you know that September 19th is Talk Like A Pirate Day?  I hate to say that I had never heard of it before, but one of the BSBP participants thought it would be fun if we also made a piratesque piece of jewelry, in honor of the event.   I have already found my components and just need to decide how I'm going to put everything together.

And look at this cute little pirate girl I found on Picnik!


  1. I've been toying with this idea, just can't decide what to make. I have all kinds of skulls, but thats about it...

    and wow, I do love your coffin....

  2. I read about this challenge and I'm on the fence I have an idea for a piece though if I decide to participate. Cute little pirate girl.
