Friday, April 26, 2013

7th Bead Soup Blog Party -- 2nd REVEAL....A bit late

I'm a bit late and apologize profusely for the delay. We had some computer problems and ended up getting a new system, which took time setting up and so on and so forth. With out further ado.......

 7th Bead Soup Blog Party -- 2nd REVEAL

Welcome to my reveal for the 7th Bead Soup Blog Party, hosted by Lori Anderson of PrettyThings

This is my third time to participate in Lori Anderson's BSBP and I have enjoyed being a part of each event! My BSBP partner this year is Tammi Sloan of My Brown Wren.

I love Tammi's beautiful, handmade bronze pendant and toggle clasp and the earthy bead mix that she included for the bead soup ingredients. I know that the round beads are aragonite and after researching, I believe that the rondelle beads are bronzite and the pebbles are ritulated quartz.

My first serving of bead soup is a necklace made with the bronze pendant. I made a long wire wrapped chain using the aragonite and bronzite beads and added some beads from my own stash. I created a sort of locket with the pendant, adding stained papers and a piece of brass sheet at the back. I added dangles of the ritulated quartz to the brass sheet, behind the pendant, so it hangs from the back side of the locket. One thing that I tried, but not sure if I like, is adding a little patina to the pendant, to add some color to the flowers. It didn't turn out as I had envisioned and looks a bit messy to me.

For my second serving of bead soup, I made a bracelet using Tammi's lovely handmade toggle clasp and some of the aragonite and bronzite beads, along with other beads from my stash. I also made a pair of matching earrings.

And here is the set all together 

Thank you, Tammi for being such a great partner and sending a wonderfully inspiring Bead Soup!

Thank you, Lori, for taking time to organize the BSBP and making it so much fun!

Thank you for visiting! Please take time to visit all of the Bead Soup Blog Party participants!

Please find the participants list to 2nd reveal at Lori's blog here 

And visit the 3rd reveal participants list at Lori's blog here 


  1. I really like the way you colored the pendant. It doesn't look messy to me at all but. . .artistic. It all works so well together. Nicely done.

  2. I'm late with my comment...

    I love ll the pieces. Great combinations of color and design. I like the colored pendant too. It works perfect with the reds and browns in the necklace. Great work!
